Miriam Lyrics & Tabs by Mournful Congregation


guitar chords lyrics

Mournful Congregation

Album : The Dawning of Mournful Hymns doom metal PlayStop

Dusk has arrived and we are all lonely
Gardens stand still like stone
We look to the clouds for they form epic pictures

Meaningful to some, meaningless to others
The earth stands still, the air is silent
We all dream together, yet we are all alone
The world is a lonely place, for all to pity our existence
Our minds in a maze, we do not know where to go from here
We share the pain, we feel the sorrow
This dismal place in which we stand
Becomes our kingdom of cold stone
A place for all to dream eternally
A somber tale passed through the ages
The clouds hold the answers, yet still we search

A somber tale passed through the ages
The clouds hold the answers, yet still we search

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