Hany Veil Lyrics & Tabs by Head Phones President

Hany Veil

guitar chords lyrics

Head Phones President

Album : folie à deuxPlayStop

I feel a fake. Refine.
When night warn me away.
And many sound wave sway.

And veiled heavy way.
I vainly. Flight to fly.
Dim meaning. More befall.
And veiled sight, design.
And veiled severe way.
I choose. Fly. Cheat. Proudly.
Widely. Wail you. Ever sighted.
Why you? Save it. I check rightness.
Why you? Failure. Never see.
I wail. I shut. I save it. I...
I wail. I choose the way. save it. I...
I wail. I say. I save it. I...

I wail. I shut. I save it. I...
I wail. I choose the way. save it. I...
I wail. I say. I save it. I...
I choose the way. choose the way. save it. I...
I bilk. Sorely dislike.
I make... sobbingly.
And many sound wave sway.
And veiled heavy way.
I vainly. Sunless life.
I vainly... sobbingly.
And veiled, Sunless life.
And veiled severe way.
I choose. Cry to... Why tale? Flighty.
Why try? I cry. Ever sighted.
Why them? Cry. Fray. I beat... slightly.
Why you? Failure. Never see.
I fear shine. I fear to fly.
Hang Veil. Savior.
Hang Veil. Sally. Wavy. Why you? Wavy. Saviour.
Hang Veil. Savvy? Self.
Handwriting. Why you? Foil you.Save you. Wavy. For betray.
Hang Veil. Savior.
Hang Veil. Sally. Wavy. Why you? Wavy. Savior.
Hang Veil. Savvy? Self.
Hang Veil. Sally. Wavy. Why you? Save it.
For betray. Shit!!

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