Odds and Evens Lyrics & Tabs by The High Wire

Odds and Evens

guitar chords lyrics

The High Wire

Album : The Sleep Tape best of 2010 PlayStop

curl your lip and strum country to me
well you took to it so fast
while I was so slow

you held my hand
but now I'm so old
got to start from somewhere
so I'll start from the grave
we'll count the steps along the way
curl your lip and make me want to live
for one more day
make me want to sleep
through one more night
I owe everything
debts I can't escape til the day I die
got to start from somewhere

I owe everything
debts I can't escape til the day I die
got to start from somewhere
so I'll start from the grave
we'll count the steps along the way
odds for a christening
and evens, a wedding day
walk me from st giles to st james
here in your shadow
you keep me from getting burned
got to start from somewhere
so I'll start from the grave
we'll count the steps along the way
odds for a christening
and evens, a wedding day
walk me from st giles to st james

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