To Sleep Eternally Lyrics & Tabs by Evoken

To Sleep Eternally

guitar chords lyrics


Album : Embrace the Emptiness funeral doom metal PlayStop

Allured from unhallowed realms
The most guileful of luminosity
A macabre dance that speaks of imminent death

To which, now, I gaze in awe and silently sigh
In guilt I draw ever so close as the eyes
of twilight dissolve in the descending heavens
Souls torn by envy and grief
Forever to reach out beyond the black stone
I finally embrace your bleeding heart
You who passes before me, have been the serene
haunting of my sleep
Too long have I feared this day
Your whispers envelop tears for what is yet to come
Shall we ever meet in myth again
My sorrow shall reflect passion

Your whispers envelop tears for what is yet to come
Shall we ever meet in myth again
My sorrow shall reflect passion
For I must bid farewell, to sleep eternally
Beneath the earth

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