So Sick No Really Lyrics & Tabs by Professor Green

So Sick No Really

guitar chords lyrics

Professor Green

Album : The Green Lectures, Volume 1PlayStop

It's professor green, as i am one who is truly sick of love songs.
Listen. Look.

Where do I go,
What do I do,
It feels so wrong,
I'm lost without you.
That's probably how this song would start if I was some wit prick,
moaning about some chick who's stolen my heart.
Not likely, I'm not 16, it's not like me.
I've had my first love, I'm done with the wifeys.
I aint a prick even, I'm not saying I'm a pimp
or that I'm sick of the songs and sick of the raps full of contradictions and lyrics women so cool fuck singing for yes.
I'm just spitting the facts for I must do check.
If I wrote a song for you I have to love you.

or that I'm sick of the songs and sick of the raps full of contradictions and lyrics women so cool fuck singing for yes.
I'm just spitting the facts for I must do check.
If I wrote a song for you I have to love you.
But I fucked someone else and you're leaving.
If I loved you I wouldn't have fucked someone else. I mean shit.
Really what you're saying in
so sick of love songs. Stop fucking making 'em

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