No Father Of Mine Lyrics & Tabs by Deivos

No Father Of Mine

guitar chords lyrics


Album : Emanation From Below death metal PlayStop

Come forth all god's children to wallow in redemption
Subservient progeny – the shit generation
So blind, yet you claim you see the light... oh, the irony

Of faith
You stared at the image of god for so long
That it's burnt out your eyes
Stifled by the reek of your stagnation
I choose to be my own savior
You tell me to entrust my soul to our father
Well he's no father of mine
I won't taste the pleasures of paradise
I won't be reborn in afterlife
I believe none fo your deceitful words
I believe my existence ends with worms

I believe none fo your deceitful words
I believe my existence ends with worms

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