Miss Understood Lyrics & Tabs by The Allstonians

Miss Understood

guitar chords lyrics

The Allstonians

Album : The Allston BeatPlayStop

Train late and payphone wait
Penn Station preachers in a frenzied state
Unfold phone numbers past an hour late

Had no idea it was a chosen day, but
Only Miss Understood really hears what I say
To her I never repeat
Little Miss Understood, she was the first in the fray
And she will never repeat
These cabs can be so strange
Crawling through red lights while I call your name
Tears make the neon lights just run like rain
My friend's a picture who's just lost his frame, 'cause
One year has passed and more have gone
We can't let madness get us on the run
Hold on to what you love before it's gone

One year has passed and more have gone
We can't let madness get us on the run
Hold on to what you love before it's gone
With any luck, maybe she'll hear this song, 'cause

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