To Reap Heavens Apart Lyrics & Tabs by Procession

To Reap Heavens Apart

guitar chords lyrics


Album : To Reap Heavens Apart epic doom metal PlayStop

And that sundown became, the sunrise of signs
Awaken the vacuum, as I opened the scars
To long for the void, to be part of the hole

Where semen break free from Al-ma
As I spoke these last words, I stared at the skies
With red eyes of fury and a heart painted black
One hand full with sand an one drenched in blood
The sea became clouds and dagger
And from the east a thousand came
Devouring down the spire
And from the west, a broken grail
Up from the north, towards the south
Revolting down the spine
To Reap the Heavens Apart
With the cold winds, guiding my pilgrimage

Revolting down the spine
To Reap the Heavens Apart
With the cold winds, guiding my pilgrimage
Fear the return and the turn of the wheel
Impious Storm!
Armed whith scythes, leap!
Legions in anger
Inner centers
Raping temples
Vanished portents
Inner serpents
And that midnight became, The Awakening of swords
As the ways of the warrior became my return
One hand pointing down, as above so below
The skies became flames and hammers
And from the east a thousand came
Devouring down the spire
And from the west, a broken grail
Up from the north, towards the south
Revolting down the spine
To Reap the Heavens Apart
With the cold winds, guiding my pilgrimage
Fear the return and the turn of the wheel
Impious Storm!
Armed whith scythes, leap!
Legions in anger

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